Friday, April 12, 2013

Week 12 Tweeting Reflection

Too many Twitter twabs

I've been on Twitter for about two years- only because all the other kids were doing it.  I tweeted a couple of times... then didn't for a very long time.  I only started up again when I went to the MACUL (Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning) conference last month and realized what a powerful tool it was for sharing information.  I had only really thought of it as a conversation tool- somewhere on the spectrum below Facebook, but above smoke signals.  WIth all the retweets, hashtags, followers, following, links and @'s- it seemed to me at first that everyone was just sending thoughts into the void.  Now I have decided that it's a powerful way to disseminate new thoughts and ideas that show up somewhere else on the interwebs.

As a result of following my bloggers I realized that you really need to trust and understand your sources of information.  It's not about just retweeting something- as a responsible tweeter (if there is such a thing) you need to understand that what you say can be retweeted again and again.  So make it count and think before you tweet.

My main use of Twitter in the future will be for professional purposes.  It's a quick way to gather a lot of good information from sources that you trust (assuming you are following trustworthy sources) about topics that you are interested in. Though I can't expect to keep up with everything my group that I'm following is tweeting about, I can find a lot of new ideas conveniently and in a very short time.


  1. Responsible tweeting ftw! Twitter never ceases to amuse/amaze me. There's a kind of heightened wit/intelligence/comedic genius that I've noticed to be the norm for the majority of tweets. I'm not sure why, but I've always enjoyed reading Twitter updates MUCH more than Facebook status updates - maybe because of this idea of responsible tweeting, i.e. desiring to get an elusive RT or two? Out of curiosity, what, in your opinion, would constitute irresponsible tweeting?

  2. Yea- "responsible tweeting" is an oxymoron for sure. What I'm trying to get at is IF you are using Twitter for professional purposes- just remember, that's not everyone tweeter's reason for tweeting on Twitter;)
